In a moment that felt right, dreams came true. Amid whispers of your silent presence, rumors of your destiny being tied to the sea, I packed books and your photographs close. I sketched our faces entwined, slept with your coat on the sofa.

Yearning to be near you, to see and feel your presence, to patiently await your return. Desperate to have you back or perish in longing.

As I caught your gaze seeking mine on that January 20th night, the train whistled away. Contemplating a life without you seemed unbearable, for from that instant onward, my heart was yours, my desire for you unwavering.

Boarding a relentless train, I glimpsed your reflection in the window, the morning sun painting a love poem in motion. I once lost you, but I vow to never lose you again. I'll chase you to the ends of the earth, finding you while lost in thoughts of me.

In that fleeting moment when our eyes lock, on the night of January 20th when the train departed, pondering a life devoid of you became inconceivable. Since that moment, my love for you has only deepened, my yearning for you stronger, my affection enduring.

Letra de 20 de Enero
Vídeo de 20 de Enero