Luis Fonsi

Amor eterno

Luis Fonsi


In his heartfelt song 'Amor Eterno (Eternal Love in English)', Luis Fonsi tells a touching tale of finding true love after feeling lost and lonely. He describes how he once wandered through life, imprisoned by loneliness and lost in his own emotions, unable to truly love or find happiness. Each morning brought tears and every challenge felt like a battle he was dying to overcome.

But just when he thought he was destined for a shipwreck of despair, a miracle occurred - his eternal, magical love appeared. Like a dream or a fairy tale come to life, she reached out to him like an angel and rescued him from his emotional turmoil. She became his reason to live, his guiding light, his everything. Her embrace became his safe haven, her kisses a source of peace in the storm of life.

This beautiful soul felt like his other half, his twin flame, completing him in ways he never imagined possible. Just when hope seemed lost, she entered his life and changed everything. She was his one in a million, his eternal love that he vowed to cherish forever.

Luis Fonsi promises to love her endlessly until the end of time, even if the moon refuses to shine. He declares his commitment to her today and always, acknowledging her as his eternal, magical love - a beacon of light in his darkness, a source of strength in his weakness. Throughout the ups and downs of life, she remains his constant, his rock, his forever.

In the end, the singer's message is simple yet profound: true love is eternal, unbreakable, and transcends all obstacles. It is a force that brings solace, hope, and joy to the depths of the soul. And through his heartfelt lyrics, Luis Fonsi captures the essence of everlasting love in a way that resonates with listeners' hearts and spirits.

Letra de Amor eterno
Vídeo de Amor eterno