Luis Fonsi

No Me Doy Por Vencido

Luis Fonsi


The lyrics of 'No Me Doy Por Vencido (I do not give up)' by Luis Fonsi tell a beautiful and heartfelt story of determination and love. The singer expresses his feelings of not giving up, even in the face of challenges and obstacles. He compares himself to a sleeping boy who can awaken with just a noise, showing that he is ready to fight for what he believes in.

The song conveys a sense of longing and hope, as the singer dreams of a world with his loved one by his side. Despite setbacks and uncertainties, he remains steadfast in his commitment to this relationship. The imagery of a pocket flower, withered but still holding onto its fragrance, symbolizes his unwavering love and dedication.

The chorus repeats the message of not giving up, emphasizing the singer's determination to keep waiting and hoping for a sign of destiny. Even in moments of silence and hidden words, he promises to continue moving forward, no matter what the future holds.

Overall, the song is a powerful declaration of love and resilience, with a message that resonates with anyone who has ever fought for a dream or a relationship. Luis Fonsi's emotional vocals and the heartfelt lyrics combine to create a moving tribute to the power of perseverance and unwavering faith in love.

Letra de No Me Doy Por Vencido
Vídeo de No Me Doy Por Vencido