La Costa Del Silencio

La Costa Del Silencio

Mago De Oz


In the depths of the vast sea, a sorrowful cry was unleashed, so faint that it went unheard by all. It carried with it a profound pain that permeated the souls of those who perished at sea. The regret and anguish lingered in the air like a dark cloud, etching tales of terror and suffering in the soft sands of the shore.

In the midst of this desolation, a lone dolphin quenched its thirst for fear before succumbing to the black depths, where its destiny awaited. But amidst this lament, a plea arises - a yearning to hear a voice declare love, a plea to avert the impending demise. The solution, it seems, lies within the depths of one's heart, holding the key to preserving the beauty that still endures.

As the forces of greed and ambition take root, nurturing a soil poisoned by self-interest, a seagull dares a fateful leap, a sacrifice that defies the cruel laughter of fate. The sea, witness to this tragedy, weeps crimson tears, a testament to its sorrow.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a call to action emerges - a call for revolution led by the radiant sun and an army of delicate butterflies. A new dawn unfurls its banner of hope, beckoning a transformation from swords to roses, from conflict to peace. Let us ride on the winds of change, for the power of light and time is on our side.

So, let your voice resound, proclaiming love and defiance in the face of despair. Embrace the solution that lies within you, a beacon of light amidst the darkness. Let us unite to preserve the beauty that lingers in the midst of chaos, for in your voice, in your love, lies the key to salvation. Let it be heard, loud and clear, echoing across the vast expanse of the sea.

Letra de La Costa Del Silencio
Vídeo de La Costa Del Silencio