
Labios Compartidos



The song 'Labios Compartidos (Shared Lips)' by Maná is a passionate declaration of love and longing. The lyrics speak of being completely captivated by the presence of a loved one, feeling lost in their embrace and intoxicated by their essence. The singer expresses a deep connection, surrendering to the allure of their partner's lips and the emotions they evoke.

However, despite the intense love and desire, there is also a sense of pain and turmoil in the relationship. The singer struggles with the idea of sharing their loved one with others, feeling the sting of betrayal and heartbreak. The imagery of divided lips reflects the internal conflict of wanting to possess and protect their love, yet also feeling the need for freedom and independence.

Throughout the song, there is a poignant reflection on the complexities of love, including moments of joy, longing, and heartache. The lyrics convey a sense of vulnerability and raw emotion, acknowledging the challenges and sacrifices that come with loving deeply.

Ultimately, the song captures the bittersweet essence of a love that is both all-consuming and tumultuous, where the heart is torn between desire and pain. Despite the shared lips and shared love, the singer remains steadfast in their devotion, acknowledging that love, even when complicated, is worth the struggle and sacrifice.

Letra de Labios Compartidos
Vídeo de Labios Compartidos