
Mariposa Traicionera



In the song 'Mariposa Traicionera' by Maná, the lyrics describe a metaphorical comparison between a woman and a butterfly. The woman is portrayed as a beautiful but elusive butterfly, flitting from one person to another, leaving a trail of heartache in her wake. The singer sees himself as a mouse caught in her trap, unable to escape the pain of loving someone who will never truly be his.

The butterfly is described as treacherous, carried away by the wind and never looking back. Despite the singer's love for her, he knows that she will never be faithful or loyal to him. The lyrics reflect the anguish and jealousy that come from loving someone who is unattainable and destructive.

The imagery of the butterfly symbolizes freedom and whimsy, but also fragility and impermanence. The singer expresses his sorrow at being unable to hold onto the woman he loves, knowing that she will always flutter away to someone else.

Overall, the song conveys a sense of longing, heartache, and resignation in the face of unrequited love. The lyrics capture the bittersweet beauty of loving someone who will never truly be yours, like a fleeting butterfly that can never be tamed.

Letra de Mariposa Traicionera
Vídeo de Mariposa Traicionera