Enamorada de Miranda!




In the midst of realism, I never expected a love expert to enter my life. Yet, something within me shifted, and I found myself drawn to him. With each heartbeat, his presence sent ripples through my soul. Gradually, I began to savor the sweetness of his company, realizing that I wasn't as bad as I thought.

Suddenly, everything fell into place when he appeared, transforming my world. His presence altered me for the better, elevating me to new heights of happiness and self-awareness. It dawned on me that all the struggles and heartaches of the past were leading me towards this moment, towards him.

Before him, luck had never been on my side. Previous relationships had left me shattered and alone, with no one to wipe away my tears. But now, a sense of madness overcomes me as I yearn for his touch, craving the exquisite pain and beauty of his love.

With his arrival, my life found a new rhythm, a new purpose. His influence brought about a profound change within me, a realization that every twist and turn of fate ultimately led me to him – my ultimate reward. And I can't help but feel grateful for never giving up on love, for staying hopeful until he finally came into my life.

Letra de Enamorada
Vídeo de Enamorada