
Querida alma gemela



In the heartfelt song 'Dear Soul Mate' by Porta, the lyrics beautifully convey the deep connection between two individuals who are destined to be together. The verses tell a story of soul mates who are separated yet yearn to unite as one. Despite not fully understanding the intense feelings they share, they both sense a bond that transcends mere friendship.

The singer describes their soul mate with tender admiration, noting small details and moments that bind them together like petals to a rose. The song speaks of the magnetic pull between the two, the necessity of their meeting, and the way their love and understanding can mend broken hearts.

The chorus repeats the message of hoping that the soul mate is listening, even in the face of adversity. The lyrics express a profound happiness in the simple things that connect the singer to their other half, emphasizing the belief that their souls need to be close.

The imagery in the song is vivid, painting a picture of a deep and profound love that goes beyond words. It speaks of protection, understanding, and a sense of belonging that only the soul mate can provide. The lyrics capture the raw emotions of love, longing, and the unbreakable bond between two souls destined to be together.

Overall, 'Dear Soul Mate' is a moving tribute to the power of love and connection, celebrating the unique and irreplaceable bond between two kindred spirits.

Letra de Querida alma gemela
Vídeo de Querida alma gemela