Mein Herz Brennt

Mein Herz Brennt



In 'Mein Herz Brennt (My Heart Burns)' by Rammstein, the narrator takes on the role of a haunting figure addressing children with a mysterious and eerie tone. The opening lines set the stage for a dark and captivating tale as the voice from the pillow introduces itself as having something important to share, extracted painfully from the speaker's own chest. With a heart full of power, the narrator claims authority over the eyelids, singing until the daybreak with a celestial light shining above.

The atmosphere grows more unsettling as the lyrics describe the arrival of ominous beings in the night, such as demons, ghosts, and black fairies, emerging from hidden places to lurk beneath the children's beds. Despite the haunting presence, the voice from the pillow reassures the listeners to pay attention, hinting at a deeper significance behind these nighttime visitors.

The haunting melody continues, evoking a sense of melancholy and foreboding as the creatures in the night steal tears from the children, storing them in the narrator's cold veins under the moonlight. The repetition of the message to pay attention reinforces the urgency and importance of the speaker's words, underscoring the intensity of the emotional and supernatural experiences depicted in the song.

As the song progresses, the haunting voice sings of a burning heart, a symbol of intense emotions and perhaps suffering or passion that fuels the narrative. The repetition of the phrase 'my heart burns' serves as a haunting refrain, echoing the underlying intensity and emotional depth of the tale being spun.

In 'Mein Herz Brennt (My Heart Burns),' Rammstein crafts a captivating and atmospheric piece that enchants listeners with its mysterious storytelling, evocative imagery, and haunting melodies, inviting them to delve into a world where darkness and light intertwine, emotions run deep, and the heart becomes a powerful force driving the narrative forward.

Letra de Mein Herz Brennt
Vídeo de Mein Herz Brennt