
Creo en ti



As the night passed by, all my waiting seemed insignificant now. I wandered through countless streets and labyrinths, but it all paled in comparison because fate had aligned in my favor. Just when I was on the brink of surrender, I discovered you.

Your touch against my skin, my heart instantly surrendered to you. You bring out the best in me, igniting a flame in my soul that illuminates my being.

I have faith in you and in this love that has rendered me unbreakable, halting my descent into despair. With you, my suffering has faded into the distance, leaving my past troubles miles behind. Finally, my inner demons have found solace and tranquility.

The past feels like a distant nightmare that has come to an end, a raging fire that you extinguished in your embrace. When I was teetering on the edge of falling, your words pierced through my silence.

I followed your lead, and you reshaped my destiny. In your presence, I am at my most secure and at peace.

Believing in you and in the power of this love that has made me resilient, halting my downward spiral. My faith in you has allowed me to leave my pain far behind, and today, my inner struggles have found a sense of calmness and resolution.

Letra de Creo en ti
Vídeo de Creo en ti