
De que sirve



The lyrics of the song 'De que sirve' by Reik express deep feelings of emptiness and longing for someone special. The singer questions the purpose of all the good things around them when they feel incomplete without that person. Despite feeling like they're suffocating without their loved one, they find the strength to survive each day.

The song conveys a sense of loneliness and yearning, highlighting the difficulty of moving on when someone significant is no longer there. The singer finds solace in memories and dreams of a reunion, showing the power of hope and love in sustaining them through their emotional pain.

The lyrics speak to the universal experience of missing someone deeply and the struggle to find meaning and happiness in their absence. Ultimately, the message is one of resilience and the profound impact that love and connection have on our lives, reminding us that we can find the strength to keep going even in the toughest times.

Letra de De que sirve
Vídeo de De que sirve