



The song 'Vuelve (en inglés)' by Reik beautifully expresses the longing and heartache of a person who is still searching for answers about why their loved one left, creating a deep abyss between them. The lyrics convey the inability to forget and the overwhelming feeling of missing that special someone.

The singer's whole life has changed in the absence of their love, leading to a sense of losing their mind and experiencing deep emotional pain. The longing for their presence is palpable as they express the desire to be held in their arms again, to feel the softness of their lips, and to have them by their side forever.

Despite the pain and cruel waiting, the singer's heart remains steadfast in its love, unable to let go or forget. The plea to fill their life with love echoes throughout the song, highlighting the profound need for the return of the beloved.

Overall, 'Vuelve (en inglés)' captures the raw emotions of yearning, pain, and hope for reconciliation, offering a heartfelt plea for the return of a lost love to fill their life once again.

Letra de Vuelve
Vídeo de Vuelve