
Yo Quisiera



This song by Reik, titled 'I Wish (in English)' is a heartfelt expression of unrequited love and emotional support. The lyrics paint a picture of a deep connection between two people, where one is constantly there to provide comfort, solace, and understanding to the other during moments of vulnerability and tears. The narrator yearns to be the one who can truly understand and console the other person, expressing a desire to be the source of comfort and love in their life.

Despite the narrator's longing to express their true feelings, they are hesitant and afraid of rejection. This internal struggle adds a layer of complexity to the relationship, highlighting the depth of emotions involved. The repeated refrain of 'I wanted to be your weeping, your life' emphasizes the narrator's deep desire to be intimately connected to the other person, to share in their joys and sorrows.

Overall, the song 'I Wish' conveys a bittersweet sentiment of unfulfilled love and longing, beautifully capturing the complexities of human emotions and relationships.

Letra de Yo Quisiera
Vídeo de Yo Quisiera