Forget it is like searching for the sun at night or comprehending politics, it's as challenging as buying the Eiffel Tower. Trying to smoke a cigar on American Airlines or witnessing a plastic flower fade away is no easy feat. It's harder to forget a thin individual finding a green cat or encountering a tasteless Cuban, or the toughest woman at the subway station. Forgetting is like attempting the impossible, like wanting to capture the essence of your being in a bottle, believing memory is a reversible cassette. The struggle to forget is a paradox, as attempting to erase memories only seems to reinforce them. It becomes painfully clear that one's desire to hold onto the past is what keeps haunting them. Forgetting means longing for a fresh start, tired of yearning for a future that may never come, wishing that one day, by chance or curiosity, you might ask a mutual friend about my whereabouts. The battle to forget is an internal war, embracing the wishful thinking of moving on from past bittersweet memories. It's a constant tug-of-war between missing your idiosyncrasies and baseless suspicions and longingly reminiscing about your presence on my bed. Wanting to encapsulate your essence in a bottle symbolizes our futile attempts to erase memories. Forgetting seems insurmountable, and accepting that becomes an arduous task, especially when the remnants of your essence linger on my bed.

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