Ricardo Montaner


Ricardo Montaner


In the enchanting melody of 'Convince Me' by Ricardo Montaner, we are swept away by a whimsical plea for a reality where time bends to our desires. The lyrics paint a dreamlike world where days stretch to accommodate more Sundays and nights linger in their youth even as morning breaks. The mundane routines of office life fade away as the listener is urged to believe in a world where impossibilities come true.

The imagery within the song is vivid and poetic, drawing us into a realm where the moon blushes red and rainbows can be purchased as easily as groceries. The lyrical journey continues, weaving a tapestry of surreal landscapes where water flees the sky to desert lands and love transcends into a fairy tale ending.

Through the tender vocals of Montaner, we are urged to embrace happiness, to shun thoughts of mortality, and to differentiate between fleeting moments of joy and the enduring warmth of love. The yearning for an eternity beside a beloved one is palpable, described through metaphors of time bending and realities intertwining.

As the song crescendos to its conclusion, the desire for a blissful existence is heightened, culminating in a heartfelt plea to believe in the existence of a heavenly paradise. In this soulful ballad, Montaner captures the essence of longing, love, and the eternal pursuit of happiness.

Letra de Convénceme
Vídeo de Convénceme