Soda Stereo

Cuando Pase El Temblor

Soda Stereo


The song 'Cuando Pase El Temblor' by Soda Stereo, translated as 'When the Quake Passes,' talks about the intense emotions felt during a seismic event. The lyrics paint a picture of vulnerability and introspection, as the singer walks among the stones and feels the trembling in their legs. There's a sense of fear and shame, along with a profound solitude that accompanies the experience. The reference to a crack in the heart conveys a deep emotional wound that needs healing.

Despite the turmoil, there's a glimmer of hope and a desire for connection, as the singer seeks solace in the midst of chaos. The idea of being kissed in the earthquake symbolizes finding comfort and strength in the midst of adversity. The repeated plea to be awakened when the shaking stops suggests a longing for clarity and a fresh start once the emotional storm subsides.

Overall, the song captures the raw intensity of facing inner turmoil and seeking a sense of peace and renewal. The evocative imagery and heartfelt emotions make it a powerful reflection on the human experience of navigating through challenging times.

Letra de Cuando Pase El Temblor
Vídeo de Cuando Pase El Temblor