
24.000 Besos



In this joyful and romantic song by Thalia, the singer expresses a simple yet powerful desire for love and affection. The lyrics convey a sense of longing and passion, as the singer asks for 24,000 kisses to feel the intensity of love. There are no elaborate tales or grandiose words, just a heartfelt plea for kisses that make every moment precious. The repeated emphasis on kisses and caresses highlights the importance of physical affection in a relationship. The singer revels in the joy of being loved and cherished, savoring each minute spent kissing their loved one. The energetic and frenetic tone of the song conveys a sense of bliss and happiness, as every second becomes a celebration of love. Through 24,000 kisses, the singer finds themselves immersed in a world of love and happiness, where every moment is filled with affection and tenderness.

Letra de 24.000 Besos
Vídeo de 24.000 Besos