



In 'Arrasando (en inglés)' by Thalia, the lyrics paint a powerful picture of overcoming obstacles and embracing happiness. The song conveys a message of resilience and determination in the face of challenges. Thalia sings about the human condition, success breeding jealousy, and the importance of staying true to oneself regardless of external pressures.

The chorus emphasizes the theme of wiping out negativity and harvesting happiness, with a focus on moving forward with positivity and light. The lyrics also touch on the idea of leaving a legacy, mentioning iconic figures like Einstein, Davinci, and Mother Teresa, who have made a lasting impact on the world.

Overall, 'Arrasando (en inglés)' is a song that encourages listeners to persevere, stay true to their beliefs, and embrace the light that shines within them. It's a spirited anthem of triumph over adversity and finding joy in the face of challenges.

Letra de Arrasando
Vídeo de Arrasando