Regresa a mi

Regresa a mi



In 'Regresa a mi (en inglés)' by Thalia, the lyrics express a deep longing and a plea for a lost love to return. The singer passionately declares that they cannot live without their beloved and that their soul constantly aches for their presence. Despite the pain and the feeling of love lost, there is a strong desire for reconciliation and a hope for a second chance at love. The lyrics convey a sense of vulnerability, longing, and raw emotion, as the singer reminisces about the passion and closeness shared with their lost love. Ultimately, the song conveys a message of yearning for reconciliation, understanding, and the hope for a renewed love to bloom once again.

Letra de Regresa a mi
Vídeo de Regresa a mi

Ranking de Thalia

  • Thalia está en la posición 207 del ranking de esta semana, su mejor puesto ha sido el en noviembre de 2018.

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