'Shyness is a gentle trait that can sometimes hold us back from pursuing all the things we truly desire in life. It acts as a barrier, preventing us from taking those steps towards our dreams and aspirations. But amidst the hesitations that shyness brings, there's an invitation in this song to break free from its grasp. A reassuring voice offers a simple yet powerful message: 'If there's something you'd like to try, ask me. I won't say no, how could I?'

The lyrics delve into the idea that coyness, too, can serve as a hindrance, silencing the words we long to speak and the truths we wish to express. The singer emphasizes the importance of communication and openness, urging us to take that leap and voice our desires. There's a sweet sincerity in the offer to be asked, to be approached with curiosity and a willingness to explore new possibilities.

Amidst reflections on days spent indoors and poetic gestures towards a distant love interest, the song circles back to the central theme: the power of connection. It suggests that love, or perhaps even a shared experience of 'the bomb,' has the potential to unite us in ways that transcend words. Nature is presented as a universal language, one that speaks to our deepest selves and offers a pathway to understanding and connection.

In the end, the chorus repeats the invitation to ask, highlighting the importance of reaching out, of seeking that connection that can bridge distances and differences. Whether it's love or some explosive force that brings us together, the essence of the song lies in the beauty of shared experiences and the courage to ask for what we truly desire. It's a reminder that in the dance of life, sometimes all it takes is a simple question to set us on a path towards deeper connection and understanding. Oh, la la la la la.'

Letra de Ask
Vídeo de Ask