Big Gun

Big Gun



'Riot on the radio, pictures on the TV, invader man taking what he can, shootout on the silver screen. Sticking 'em up and knocking 'em down, living out a fantasy in this thrilling world. A bad man prowls in his big black limousine, ready to take on anything in his way, with deadly precision.

The song 'Big Gun' by AC/DC paints a vivid picture of chaos and danger, with references to Terminators, Uzi makers, Hollywood shootouts, and classified lady killers. The relentless energy of the music matches the intensity of the lyrics, warning of the ruthless forces at play in this world.

As the big gun number one kicks the hell out of anyone in its path, the imagery of a loaded and cocked weapon ready to strike is palpable. The Terminator-like figures and regulators add to the sense of impending doom, creating a sense of urgency and suspense throughout the song.

In this high-octane ride of a track, AC/DC delivers a powerful message about the destructive power of violence and the need to stay vigilant in the face of danger. The repeated warning of 'Big gun kick the hell out of you' echoes like a mantra, driving home the central theme of the song. Get ready or not, the big gun is here to give it a shot, and it's up to us to navigate this treacherous landscape with caution and awareness.'

Letra de Big Gun
Vídeo de Big Gun