George Michael's song 'Faith' explores the complexities of love, trust, and self-preservation. The lyrics convey a sense of hesitation and vulnerability, as the singer grapples with the desire for intimacy while also being cautious of getting hurt. The repeated chorus of 'I gotta have faith' reflects the internal struggle of balancing the need for trust with the fear of being let down.

The song paints a picture of a person who is torn between wanting to give their heart fully to someone, yet being wary of the potential pain that could come with it. There is a plea for time and space to sort out emotions and priorities, recognizing the importance of self-respect and dignity in relationships.

As the music builds, so does the determination to stand firm in one's convictions, to not settle for anything less than genuine love and commitment. The longing for a deeper connection is palpable, as the singer acknowledges past experiences that have left scars but also a hope for something more meaningful in the future.

Ultimately, 'Faith' is a soulful expression of resilience and the quest for authentic love, capturing the universal struggle of navigating the complexities of the heart while holding onto one's beliefs and values. The song's powerful message is a reminder that having faith in oneself and in the possibility of true love is essential for finding happiness and fulfillment in relationships.

Letra de Faith
Vídeo de Faith