Mi bendición de Juan Luis Guerra

Mi bendición

Juan Luis Guerra


The beauty of this song by Juan Luis Guerra titled 'Mi Bendición (en inglés)' is like a poetic love letter set to music. It portrays a profound admiration for a beloved person, comparing them to elements of nature and celestial bodies. The imagery of flowers singing the beloved's name, waves creating a shawl of foam, and the moon descending to admire their heart creates a magical and enchanting atmosphere.

The lyrics express a deep sense of gratitude and happiness for having this special person in one's life, emphasizing the joy of being with them, kissing them, walking hand in hand, and whispering sweet 'I love you' in their ear. The song conveys the idea that having this individual by your side is the greatest blessing, and every moment shared with them is filled with love and joy.

The mention of palms applauding, rivers changing course to gaze into the beloved's eyes, and a bright star marveling at their heart adds a sense of wonder and admiration to the song. The chorus of love that surrounds the singer when the beloved speaks and the beautiful declaration of love expressed through their voice further enhance the feeling of being truly blessed to have this person in their life.

Overall, the lyrics of 'Mi Bendición (en inglés)' radiate warmth, love, and appreciation for the presence of a special someone, highlighting the profound impact they have on the singer's life and the immense happiness they bring. It's a beautiful ode to love and the power of sharing life with someone truly cherished.

Letra de Mi bendición
Vídeo de Mi bendición