
Cómo Dueles En Los Labios



In this song by Maná, titled 'How You Hurt in the Lips,' the lyrics express the pain and longing that comes with missing someone dearly. The singer captures the emotional turmoil of longing for the presence of a loved one who is no longer there. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of the heartache and emptiness felt in the absence of the one who once brought warmth and joy.

The repeated mention of how it hurts in various ways - in the lips, in all sides, in the caresses that are no longer felt - conveys the depth of the pain and longing experienced. The absence of the loved one is described as a colorless void, a presence that is sorely missed.

The changing seasons and the passage of time serve as reminders of the pain of separation, with the singer expressing how even nature itself seems to reflect the emptiness felt inside. The lyrics touch upon the bittersweet experience of being alive yet feeling like a part of oneself is slowly fading away.

The repetition of the phrase 'as it hurts in dawn' reinforces the idea of the singer's pain being constant and unrelenting, even in the stillness of the early morning. The longing to see the loved one again is palpable throughout the song, highlighting the raw emotions of missing someone deeply.

Overall, the song captures the universal experience of yearning for a lost love and the ache that comes with missing someone who once brought light and warmth into one's life.

Letra de Cómo Dueles En Los Labios
Vídeo de Cómo Dueles En Los Labios