Cerdo de Molotov




In this catchy and humorous song by Molotov, the lyrics hilariously describe a character referred to as 'pig' who indulges in various food items without consideration for others. The pig in question seems to have a penchant for eating in excessive and slightly uncouth ways, from requesting specific foods but not sharing with friends to leaving a mess behind in public places. Despite being called out for his eating habits and the unflattering nickname, the pig remains unfazed and continues to enjoy his oversized sandwiches and other treats. The playful and absurd descriptions, like eating sandwiches in supermarkets and making holes in food to fill them with beans, add a quirky charm to the portrayal of this character. Overall, the song paints a vivid picture of a gluttonous and carefree individual who embraces his love for food, no matter how unconventional it may seem to others.

Letra de Cerdo
Vídeo de Cerdo