
Alma Gemela



In this heartfelt song by Porta titled 'Soulmate (in English),' the artist expresses a deep connection between two people who are undeniably meant for each other. They feel a bond that goes beyond mere friendship, a force that pulls them together no matter the distance that separates them.

The lyrics paint a picture of longing and devotion, with the singer describing their soulmate as the missing piece of themselves. They speak of the magnetic pull that brings them together, the love and even the moments of pain that only serve to strengthen their bond.

The artist describes how every small detail about their soulmate fills them with happiness and how even the simplest things, like the scent of a rose or the touch of their lips, can awaken all their senses. They proclaim their unwavering love and dedication, willing to do anything for their soulmate.

Throughout the song, there is a sense of hope and faith in finding that one person who completes you, who understands you like no one else can. The singer expresses a deep desire to connect with their soulmate on a spiritual level, recognizing them as the one person who truly sees and accepts them for who they are.

In the end, the artist sends a message to their soulmate, hoping that wherever they may be, they are fighting against all odds to be together. It's a powerful declaration of love and a belief in the eternal connection that transcends time and space.

Letra de Alma Gemela
Vídeo de Alma Gemela

Ranking de Porta

  • Porta está en la posición 172 del ranking de esta semana, su mejor puesto ha sido el en octubre de 2009.

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