
Date por aludida



In the song 'Date por aludida (en inglés)' by Porta, the lyrics delve into themes of heartbreak, betrayal, and moving on from a toxic relationship. The artist reflects on the pain of realizing that a once cherished connection has withered away, symbolized by the fading image in the mirror and the voice that no longer resonates in the sky. Despite the emotional turmoil and confusion, there is a sense of resignation and acceptance, acknowledging that the bond has ended and bidding a bittersweet goodbye.

Throughout the song, there is a strong sense of defiance and empowerment as the artist confronts the other person's manipulative actions and attempts to vilify them. The lyrics highlight the need to break free from the emotional turmoil inflicted by the other person, asserting independence and reclaiming personal agency. The artist refuses to be dragged down by lies and false narratives, choosing to focus on their own growth and well-being instead.

Despite the pain and betrayal experienced, there is a sense of liberation and catharsis in the lyrics, as the artist finds closure and moves towards a brighter future without the burden of a toxic relationship. The song serves as a cathartic release of pent-up emotions and a declaration of self-worth and resilience in the face of heartbreak and deceit.Ultimately, 'Date por aludida (en inglés)' is a powerful anthem of self-empowerment, resilience, and the journey towards healing and moving on from a painful chapter in one's life.

Letra de Date por aludida
Vídeo de Date por aludida