
Trastorno Bipolar



In 'Bipolar Disorder', Porta delves into the struggles of fame and its impact on his life. The lyrics reflect the internal conflict he faces as he navigates the music industry and deals with the pressures of success. Porta candidly discusses the challenges he encounters, such as the constant public scrutiny, the sacrifices he has had to make, and the toll it takes on his mental health.

The song delves into Porta's inner turmoil, revealing his feelings of being misunderstood and misrepresented in the media. Despite his success, he highlights the downside of fame, the invasiveness of public attention, and the struggle to maintain a balance between his public persona and his personal life.

Through introspective and raw verses, Porta opens up about the complexities of his identity and the dichotomy between his public image and his true self. He touches on themes of self-worth, authenticity, and the sacrifices he has made to pursue his passion for music.

Overall, 'Bipolar Disorder' serves as a poignant exploration of the price of fame, the pressures of success, and the inner conflicts that artists like Porta face in the music industry. It offers a glimpse into the emotional struggles and personal challenges behind the facade of celebrity, providing a refreshingly honest take on the highs and lows of stardom.

Letra de Trastorno Bipolar
Vídeo de Trastorno Bipolar