Rocío Dúrcal

La gata bajo la lluvia

Rocío Dúrcal


In this heartfelt song by Rocío Dúrcal, the singer expresses a bittersweet longing for a past love. She reassures her former partner that she won't intrude in their life but acknowledges the turmoil of emotions swirling within her. Reflecting on the coincidence of their relationship, she lets go of any blame for the past.

The lyrics beautifully capture the essence of unrequited love and acceptance of fate. The imagery of a cat in the rain symbolizes vulnerability and longing, as the singer meows for a love that seems out of reach. Despite the pain, there's a sense of acceptance and resignation, with a glimmer of hope for a chance encounter in the future.

The tender plea for understanding and the willingness to let go with grace make this song a poignant reflection on love's complexities. It's a reminder that life can be unpredictable, but there's beauty in embracing the fleeting moments and keeping love alive in our hearts.

Letra de La gata bajo la lluvia
Vídeo de La gata bajo la lluvia