Sin Bandera

Le pido a Dios

Sin Bandera


The song 'Le pido a Dios (en inglés)' by Sin Bandera beautifully captures the intense emotions and deep gratitude towards a loved one. The lyrics express an overflow of happiness, clarity, and fantasy experienced in the relationship. The singer acknowledges the immense love received, describing it as beyond human comprehension.

The lyrics convey appreciation for the way this special person can anticipate wishes, bring laughter, and break the monotony of daily life. The patience, attentiveness, and unwavering support of the loved one are highlighted as sources of strength and inspiration. The desire to be with this person again in future lives illustrates the depth of the bond shared.

The singer expresses a heartfelt plea to God for the gift of time to continue cherishing and expressing love to their significant other. There's a profound sense of awe and gratitude for the light, warmth, and guidance provided by the loved one, serving as a beacon in life's journey. The lyrics encapsulate a profound appreciation for the love received and a fervent wish for the relationship to endure, allowing the expression of overwhelming feelings of gratitude.

Letra de Le pido a Dios
Vídeo de Le pido a Dios