In the captivating melody of Shakira's song 'Amor (Love)' there is a yearning, a deep desire expressed through the lyrics. The singer speaks of jealousy, not in a negative light, but as a reflection of her overwhelming need for the object of her affections. It's a declaration of longing and passion, a confession that her heart is fully invested in this love.

The lyrics paint a picture of love in its most vibrant form, a swirl of colors and flavors that evoke feelings of sweetness and warmth. Love is portrayed as a miraculous force, a powerful emotion that fills the soul and floods the heart with anticipation. There is a plea for love, a heartfelt request for reciprocity and understanding.

The repetition of 'Dame tu amor' (Give me your love) underscores the singer's vulnerability and her willingness to bare her emotions openly. It's a plea for connection, for a deep and meaningful exchange of love that transcends words. The song encapsulates the essence of love as a transformative experience, a source of joy and fulfillment that resonates deep within the soul.

In essence, 'Amor (Love)' is a heartfelt ode to the power of love, a celebration of its transformative and awe-inspiring nature. It conveys a message of hope, longing, and the universal desire to be loved and understood.

Letra de Amor
Vídeo de Amor