Estoy Aquí

Estoy Aquí



In the song 'I Am Here' by Shakira, the lyrics express a sense of longing and regret over a past relationship. The singer acknowledges that the person they love will not return and that what once existed between them is now a memory of the past. Despite the passage of time, the sentiment remains strong and unchanging.

The lyrics convey a deep desire for reconciliation and a hope that forgiveness may eventually come, even after a thousand years. There is a yearning to make amends and a willingness to transform oneself in order to bridge the gap that exists between the two individuals.

The chorus repeats the singer's declaration of love and turmoil, as they find themselves consumed by memories and mementos that serve as reminders of what once was. The lyrics speak to the feeling of confusion and helplessness in the face of lost love, as well as the futile attempts to reach out and communicate through unsent letters.

The overall theme of the song revolves around the idea of waiting and hoping for a reunion, despite the realization that things may never be the same. The emotional depth and vulnerability in the lyrics create a poignant reflection on love, loss, and the passage of time.

Letra de Estoy Aquí
Vídeo de Estoy Aquí