Moscas En La Casa

Moscas En La Casa



In the beautifully poignant song 'Moscas En La Casa (Inglés)' by Shakira, the artist describes the profound emptiness and darkness that fills her days in the absence of her loved one. The lyrics evoke a sense of longing and anguish, painting a vivid picture of a world devoid of light, meaning, and comfort.

The narrator expresses how each day without their beloved feels like an eternity of sorrow and hardship, devoid of any sense or purpose. The relentless passage of time only serves to magnify the excruciating pain of separation, with nights that offer no solace and sleep that remains elusive.

The metaphorical imagery in the song further amplifies the feelings of desolation and hopelessness. The comparison of the days without the loved one to a sky without silver moons or a sun conveys the vast, empty expanse that stretches before the narrator. The repetition of the same song, like an echo that endlessly reverberates, underscores the cyclical nature of their grief and longing.

The lyrics also touch on the futile attempts to find distraction or solace in everyday activities, highlighting the futility of mundane tasks in the face of deep emotional loss. The imagery of trash on the floor and insects in the house serves as a stark contrast to the once vibrant and meaningful existence that has now been reduced to a hollow shell.

Despite the pain and heartache, the narrator continues to hold on to hope, searching for signs of their loved one in the faces of strangers and seeking reasons to believe that life still holds meaning. The raw emotion in the song is palpable, as the narrator grapples with the overwhelming sense of loss and yearning that consumes their every waking moment.

In 'Moscas En La Casa (Inglés),' Shakira masterfully captures the profound depths of despair and longing that accompany the absence of a loved one, delivering a haunting and powerful portrayal of grief and heartache.

Letra de Moscas En La Casa
Vídeo de Moscas En La Casa

Ranking de Shakira

  • Shakira está en la posición 45 del ranking de esta semana, su mejor puesto ha sido el en agosto de 2009.

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