In 'No' by Shakira, the singer expresses a firm stance against a person who has caused her pain. She rejects any attempts to apologize or persist in the relationship, highlighting the existence of excuses even before the person's actions. With poignant lyrics, she conveys her refusal to be swayed by past behaviors, emphasizing the toxicity of the situation.

Shakira implores the individual not to return, acknowledging the lingering hurt and disappointment within her. She reflects on the damaging effects of love turned sour, emphasizing the weight of betrayal and heartbreak. There is a sense of bitterness and regret woven throughout the song, as she navigates the complex emotions of letting go and setting boundaries.

The singer delves into the emotional turmoil of dealing with someone who has caused immense pain, emphasizing the need to break free from the cycle of hurt. Through introspective verses, she explores the struggle of moving on and the resilience required to heal from such experiences. Ultimately, 'No' serves as a powerful anthem of strength and self-preservation in the face of heartache and disappointment.

Letra de No
Vídeo de No