Que Me Quedes Tú

Que Me Quedes Tú



In this heartfelt song by Shakira, the singer expresses a deep longing and dependency on a loved one. She vividly paints a picture of a world falling apart - news channels in ruins, old-fashioned smiles, extinguished sunsets, and disappearing pleasures. Despite the chaos around her, the one thing that remains constant is the memory of her loved one's embrace, the daily invented kisses, and the lingering melancholy of their absence after the decline. Shakira conveys a sense of completeness and purpose in the presence of this special person, emphasizing the profound impact they have on her life. As everything else fades away, she finds solace in the enduring connection and love they share, making it clear that their presence is what truly gives meaning and vitality to her existence.

Letra de Que Me Quedes Tú
Vídeo de Que Me Quedes Tú