Sale El Sol

Sale El Sol



'Sale El Sol' by Shakira is a heartfelt song that reflects on the passage of time and the resilience of the human spirit. The lyrics express the longing and pain of separation, the mistakes made in fear, and the eventual realization that even after the storm, the sun will rise again.

The singer laments the time spent apart from a loved one, yearning for their touch and feeling the pain of missed opportunities. Despite the difficulties faced and the tears shed, there is a sense of hope and acceptance that shines through the lyrics. The song acknowledges that life can be challenging, but it also emphasizes the importance of staying positive, looking towards the future, and believing that better days will come.

Overall, 'Sale El Sol' conveys a message of perseverance, optimism, and the belief that, no matter what hardships we face, there is always a new dawn awaiting us. It serves as a reminder to hold on to hope, to keep moving forward, and to trust that the sun will rise again, bringing light and warmth into our lives.

Letra de Sale El Sol
Vídeo de Sale El Sol