
Te Espero Sentada



Sitting on the corner, elegantly attired for a chance encounter, uncertain yet hopeful, awaiting the presence of a beloved individual. The anticipation in the eyes, searching amidst uncertainties, the yearning for a glimpse of a familiar figure in the midst of the unknown. The struggle of time passing by, the chill in the hands seeking warmth within pockets, a sense of longing and yearning growing with each passing moment.

The chorus echoes a sentiment of incompleteness in the absence of the cherished one, likening it to a sense of loss and deprivation, a void that cannot be filled without their presence. The realization dawns that in the vast expanse of life, the counterpart found in the beloved is the missing piece, the perfect match that completes the intricate puzzle of existence.

The lyrics weave a tapestry of emotions, blending longing, uncertainty, and ultimately, a profound sense of belonging and completeness in the presence of the loved one. The yearning for connection, the ache of separation, and the ultimate joy in finding solace in the embrace of a kindred spirit. A poetic journey of love, loss, and the unyielding hope that propels one to wait, endlessly, for that special someone.

Letra de Te Espero Sentada
Vídeo de Te Espero Sentada