In this heartfelt song by Shakira, titled 'You,' the singer expresses a deep and profound love for someone special. With poetic lyrics, she offers to give everything she has - from her waist to her lips, her madness, her shoes, and even her sighs - in an effort to show her devotion and commitment.

The chorus beautifully conveys the sentiment of the song, declaring that this person is her light, her faith, the source of power in her voice, and the one who gives her the strength to keep moving forward. Their love is described as the reason for her laughter and the one thing she cannot bear to be without, highlighting the deep emotional bond between them.

Even in the face of uncertainty or the fear of separation, the singer vows to hold on tightly, not wanting to let go and willing to do whatever it takes to keep this special person by her side. The song encapsulates the feeling of being so deeply in love that the thought of living without the other person is unbearable.

Overall, 'You' conveys a message of love, devotion, and the profound impact that a special person can have on someone's life. It's a beautiful ode to the power of love and the importance of cherishing those who mean the most to us.

Letra de Tú
Vídeo de Tú